Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1: Bad Gamble For Dade With MIA Slots

By Sylvia Gurinsky

Obviously, eight members of the Miami-Dade County Commission didn't read that Miami Herald article on Sunday about the increase of gambling addicts in the state of Florida.

How else to explain their absolutely birdbrained support of putting slot machines in Miami International Airport?

The reason: Debts from airport expansion, thanks to years of cost overruns and general incompetence. And some county leaders have the chutzpah to criticize the Florida Marlins for their administration? Hey, at least the Marlins keep costs down.

(Speaking of which, shame on Commissioner Carlos Gimenez, long a critic of the Marlins' ballpark deal (which has been supported in this blog) and generally a common-sense vote on financial issues, for supporting this proposal for MIA.)

The full cost - in public safety and social services - of Florida's increasing obsession with gambling has yet to be tallied, but as gambling opportunities go up, that cost skyrockets as well.

The Miami-Dade Commission should not add to that cost by approving a losing plan on slot machines for MIA.

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