Thursday, August 23, 2007

Aug. 23: Candidates, delegates, Deaver and AJR

*No-go to Morongo
USA Today reports that the Big Three Ds – Mrs.
Clinton, Obama and Edwards – will not attend a debate
at an Indian reservation in California.

I agree with Kalyn Free’s comment. As the late, great
House Speaker Tip O’Neill said, people like to be

*No-go for delegates?
This fight is still going on between the Democratic
National Committee and Florida’s Democratic Party:

Does the national party really want to risk the third
most-populous state in the nation after what happened
in 2000?

*On Michael Deaver
The St. Petersburg Times reprints a column in the
Washington Post by Lou Cannon, who covered and
continues to write about Ronald Reagan’s presidency.
This one is about Michael Deaver, Reagan’s assistant
chief of staff during his first term:

The last sentence is telling, particularly in the wake
of today’s philosophy at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue that
being a loyal member of the Bush Administration means
never having to say you’re sorry.

*AJR on the brink?
It is terrible news that American Journalism Review
has great financial difficulties and may go out of
business sooner or later. To me, it is the best of the
three journalism magazines I receive (besides Columbia
Journalism Review, which has gotten back on track
recently after playing with being a political magazine
instead of a journalism one, and the Society of
Professional Journalists’ Quill). AJR has had an eagle
eye on the troubles of the journalism profession for
many years.
I understand that Thomas Kunkel, the magazine’s
president, tells the Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz
“we can’t be a charity case.” But what is stopping the
University of Maryland Foundation from helping the
magazine out? It’s their magazine.

*Slap on the wrist
One word about the too-light charges against Lindsay
Lohan: Preposterous.

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