Thursday, August 30, 2007

Aug. 30: Chavez, CO2 and Katrina

*Chavez’ influence rising
It looks like Fidel Castro has his successor, at least
in terms of Western Hempishere influence:

That and the problems in the Middle East are two good
reasons for the United States to start cutting its
dependence on oil – theirs or ours – and start
focusing on solar power, wind power and anything else
that can save the planet and wallets in the long run.

*And speaking of the environment….
Here’s a link to another Christian Science Monitor
article on what western states are doing to curb
greenhouse gases:

Florida is also starting to make strides. States are
way ahead of the Bush Administration (as usual) on
this issue.

*New Orleans has key to newspaper survival?
Maybe this is the formula to rebuild newspapers across
the country:

No, not to have a major disaster, but to get back to
brass tacks: Good journalism, good journalism, good
journalism. That’s the best way to get readers and viewers.

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